
Melissa Connor

Somatic Trauma Practitioner;  Embodiment Processing Practitioner;  Trauma Informed Coach;  Spiritual Life Coach;  Energy Anatomy, Inner Child, Ancestry Lineage & Vibrational Healer;   Art Meditation & Mindfulness Practitioner. 

I assist my clients to empower themselves by working with them to release trauma, energetic blocks, devices, karmic threads, old timelines, old soul contracts, clear ancestry lineage and inverted frequencies.  Each client is unique and I use a wide range of healing modalities to attune the healing exactly to my client’s needs and what serves their physical and energetic bodies the most.

We are now waking up, it is time, all the knowledge of who we are is within us in our cells, DNA, and our energetic fields.

We are all connected energetically to source energy. WE are GOD we are the PRIME CREATORS.

I assist my clients by working with them to help them understand their mental and emotional triggers, addictions, anxiety, stress, depression, open trauma loops and patterns, which they have imprinted in their subconscious minds and somatic body. This can be caused from Pre-conscious, Pre-cognitive, Developmental, Acute, Intergenerational Trauma and Collective Trauma. Understanding how our nervous systems react to those triggers, emotions and stress is key to building their capacity to regulate these emotions and their autonomic nervous system. Understanding their orphaned emotions not being scared to feel and sense them. Using healthy resources to bring them into safety and connection in turn allows those emotions to move through the body and subconscious mind to complete open trauma loops. Helping them understand their authentic self, which creates a loving, healthy head, heart connection and flow in their everyday lives.

All the knowledge of who we are is within us in our cells, DNA, and our energetic fields.

As Einstein said, we are 100% ENERGY, not matter.
Matter is just another form of energy.

Our bodies are imprinted with thousands of energetic patterns. These patterns are created by our thoughts, trauma and emotions that we have repressed time and time again. These are energy imprints. When we repress them we cause energetic blocks and we build archetypal energies around us (wounded child, wounded warrior, martyr, saviour, victim) which we step in and out of for our protection on a daily basis. These can prevent us from fully being in our true inner alignment because we don’t want to feel vulnerable. As we grow we use these archetypes as a form of bypass until we have no real recollection of who we truly are inside,  until we become either seriously ill, depressed or numb.

When we go inside and heal our inner child we can then recognise the archetypes and the roles we have created for our own protection. We can become conscious of our unconscious patterns and programs which enables us to release the blocks of trauma and emotion from within.

We are here to feel alive and find our bliss and joy within this embodiment. When we feel that love inside of us for ourselves, we inspire others to become better people. When we are honest with ourselves and heal we stop deflecting our trauma onto others and we come into our authentic balance only then can we truly love and forgive ourselves and then everyone else around us.

My paintings tell a story, they are of an abstract emotion translated from within.

I grew up loving paint and colour. 

I constantly experiment with colours, texture and light using my hands, palette knives and pieces of wood, never the conventional artist brushes. 

I often disappear inside my subconscious mind and create my vibrant paintings. I experiment with various mediums and materials to create texture and light, including sand, gold leaf, silver leaf and any paint or materials that I can physically get my hands on. This can often include objects from the beach or the garden. 

I naturally channel through light and vibrational energies into each painting created. Which contain certain light activation codes. These naturally uplift the frequency of the room and our individual vibration.